Casey the Conductor is one of the two characters in Candy Crush Saga introduced for the removal of map textures due to April Fool's Day 2020. She appears in every "Caramel Canyons" episode, which are exactly the episodes with a unit digit of "9". Thus, during the April Fool's Day Event, she was first seen in Peppermint Palace (Episode 9).
She was created around May 25, 2020 when April Fools 2020 effects were being rolled out all players [1]. She replaces the Bubblegum Troll, which was once the character for these episodes while the rotating maps were rolled out selectively. Her name was decided via a poll held on King Community[2].
Due to April Fools 2020, almost all episode characters (but eight) have been absent from the game. A few other characters make occasional appearances in events.