Candy Crush Saga Wiki
Candy Crush Saga Wiki
Booster Striped Brush

Striped brush (also known as Paintbrush) is one of the boosters and formerly a charm in Candy Crush Saga. It is unlocked at level 37.


To activate it, one would click on a candy and it would turn said candy into a striped candy. You can choose which direction the striped candy becomes, by adjusting the mouse before clicking.

This item was previously released as a charm named Charm of Stripes. Charms were removed from the game when the 29th episode, Soda Swamp was released. However, with the release of the 104th episode, Biscuit Bay, it has returned as a single-use booster.

As a charm, the price was $40, with unlimited use (once each play) once bought. As a booster, each time you buy it previously costs 15 gold bars but can be used multiple times each play. Currently, it costs 19 gold bars for 3 of these, 59 gold bars for 10 of these and 109 gold bars for 20 of these. However, each striped brush can only paint one candy.

The usefulness of this item can be negated in many later levels which render this charm too weak. It is only as strong as a Lollipop Hammer tactically, unless you use it adjacent to a colour bomb, which makes a powerful striped candy + colour bomb combination.


Game description[]

Charm of Striped description

Description (Old)

Striped Brush Description

Description (New)

  • Old (Charm of Stripes): "This charm lets you paint stripes in any candy, once per game! Use now!".
  • New (Striped brush): "Paints pretty stripes on a candy of your choosing. Click to buy!"

Web description[]

Paint stripes on any candy to reap the benefits of a Striped Candy


Screenshot 2015-12-25-08-37-29

It's in the box.

  • When it was unavailable, it still appeared in various info screens.
  • This booster was re-released on 17 February 2016, the same day as when Biscuit Bay was released.
  • As of now, this booster is yet to have an introductory level.
  • This booster can be used in all level types.
  • This is the first booster that is a reformed version of a charm. The next one is the Heart's Desire Power Pop, which is based on the Charm of Lives.
  • In Licorice Luna, Tiffi used this booster to paint the planet.
  • Accounts with charms still had the charm instead of this booster. In this case, the button is blue (ready to use) instead of green (out of stock).
  • The striped brush can paint over a sugar drop and override its effects.
  • Nowadays, it's seen as a paintbrush painting a round candy on HTML5.
  • This is one of the boosters that aren't tied to any particular special candy (as in, the booster doesn't spawn special candies, cause special candies to appear on the starting board, or add special candies to the candy mix). However, it does affect a certain type of candy when used on it (in this case, turning a regular candy into a striped candy).



How tu use Striped brush in Candy Crush Saga

