Level 1241 is the sixth level in Drizzly Dale and the 422nd jelly level. To pass this level, you must clear 27 single and 50 double jelly squares in 30 moves or fewer.
When you complete the level, Sugar Crush is activated and will score you additional points.
Psychologically, this can be a very challenging level. You need early luck to start to break the board open; when you get that luck you have a reasonable chance of getting close or completing the level. But most attempts will use up too many moves before you get to break the board open and the candy grenade bombs will get you just as you start to get moving.
In truth, unless you get the board open enough to remove the candy grenade bombs well before they detonate, you would not have enough moves left to finish the board anyway.
Vertical stripes are a big help of course, but wrapped candies will ultimately be your friends here, so best to try and destroy the few blockers towards the top of the board early. That creates a few extra spaces for the specials to form. You will need them. If you're lucky, you will get a colour bomb/striped combination early; they help a lot.
Once the board opens out, specials and combinations become far more common and of course the liquorice shells start to yield those very helpful colour bombs.
It might take you many goes, but once you get a board that opens out for you, this level is not too bad and is super satisfying to complete.