Only 3 wrapped candies will need to be created manually if the player manages to set off all four UFOs.
Colour Bomb + striped candy combinations being hard to create and liquorice swirls being dispensed limits the usefulness of the above combination.
The presence of five colours makes the level a bit easier to create special candies.
The orders are worth 20,000 points,[1] which is more than the one-star target score.
Attempt to start the board with at least one colour bomb match (preferably with a wrapped candy). They are considered the hardest special candy to create, and they will help you on orders.
Then, unlock a UFO, activate it with striped candy. The UFO will place three wrapped candies anywhere on the board, most likely adjacent to the liquorice swirls, and these candies will count towards your order, making the level easier to complete.
This level (specifically the past version) became well-known, as it is the cause of the glitch in level 126 and 127 on mobile. However, neither glitched levels ever had exactly the same order requirements as this level. Thus, this is the 'true' version of the glitched 126 and 127, about 1147 levels after.
The unreleased version of this level is identical to the glitched level 126 on mobile.
The second version is also nearly identical to level 127 on mobile, except that the former requires three more wrapped candies.
Elements Info
Element Spawn Notes
If there are fewer than 10 liquorice swirls on screen, then the board spawns up to 10 when possible.
Miscellaneous Info
↑(15 special candies × 1,000 points per special candy) + (50 blockers × 100 points per blocker) = 20,000 points