Level 181 is the eleventh level in Cupcake Circus and the 72nd jelly level. To pass this level, you must clear 63 double jelly squares in 23 moves or fewer.
When you complete the level, Sugar Crush is activated and will score you additional points.
The coconut wheels can help you, but the striped candies they spawn make little effect if liquorice swirls are not cleared before they are activated.
There is a UFO embedded in the locked liquorice swirls, but it itself is locked and cannot help you clear a large amount of jellies.
The jellies are worth 126,000 points,[1] which is equal to the one-star target score.
This used to be the second level in the original Hell's Cluster, also known as the Hell's Cluster.
This was formerly one of the game's hardest and most hated levels. This is not quite as notorious as the original level 147, but it is not that far off in difficulty.
After the level was buffed in the April Fools 2020 redesign wave, the level once again lives in infamy, but as an extremely hard jelly level.
This level had been voted as the third hardest level in the game just before levels 461 and 500 were introduced, only to be under the original levels 147 and 350. However, with the increase of more levels into the poll, its rank has dropped. However, after all the extremely hard levels (see below) got nerfed, its place is retained.
This was one of the few levels in this episode that does not have any four-layered frosting.
This is one of the few levels to make a cameo in a Candy Crush Saga television advertisement. The other levels are 33, 50, 70, 97, 147, 290, 350, 361, and 461. Most of these levels were rated hard or harder.
This is the first level where UFOs and coconut wheels coexist.