Level 2062 is the second level in Luscious Lane and the 750th jelly level . To pass this level, you must clear 32 double jelly squares in 28 moves or fewer.
When you complete the level, Sugar Crush is activated and will score you additional points.
Difficulty [ ]
You need to get the sugar key behind the liquorice lock in order to unlock the one-layered sugar chests that are blocking the sugar key candy cannons.
All of the jellies are double jellies and are behind the sugar chests.
The jellies are worth 64,000 points,[1] which is equal to the one-star target score.
Stars [ ]
Strategy [ ]
First, break the two-layered frosting to unlock and collect the first key.
Then, constantly hit the keys that spawn from the dispensers below to open the chests while dealing with 12-move candy bombs .
Once the jellies are freed, use special candies to attack them and the candy bombs.
Trivia [ ]
Notes [ ]
Elements Info
Element Spawn Notes
Candy bomb cannons spawn 12-move candy bombs.
If there are fewer than 5 candy bombs on screen, then the board spawns up to 5 candy bombs when possible.
If there are fewer than 1 sugar key on screen, then the board spawns up to 1 when possible.
Miscellaneous Info
↑ 32 double jellies × 2,000 points per double jelly = 64,000 points
Walkthroughs [ ]
Gallery [ ]