Level 2703 is the thirteenth level in Balloon Barn and the 704th candy order level . To pass this level, you must collect 12 red candies , 12 yellow candies and 12 purple candies in 15 moves or fewer.
When you complete the level, Sugar Crush is activated and will score you additional points.
Difficulty [ ]
Even with three colours, the candies that come out of the lucky candies can easily complicate stuff.
There are only 15 moves to collect 36 non-spawning colours.
Liquorice swirls are little threat compared to the vast amount of lucky candies required to open in just a tiny amount of moves.
Mostly, the lucky candies do not reveal candies with the same colour. This creates intense strife in finishing the remaining orders.
The orders are worth 3,600 points.[1] Hence, an additional 6,400 points is required to earn one star.
Stars [ ]
Strategy [ ]
Trivia [ ]
Notes [ ]
Elements Info
Element Spawn Notes
If there are fewer than 3 liquorice swirls on screen, then the board spawns up to 3 when possible.
If there are fewer than 31 lucky candies on screen, then the board spawns up to 31 when possible.
Miscellaneous Info
↑ 36 regular candies × 100 points per regular candy = 3,600 points
Walkthroughs [ ]
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