Level 311 is the sixth level in Savory Shores and the 112th jelly level. To pass this level, you must clear 4 single and 36 double jelly squares in 17 moves or fewer.
When you complete the level, Sugar Crush is activated and will score you additional points.
Coconut wheels can assist the player in clearing the jellies, although their booster cannot be used since this is a jelly level. However, as they come down, candy bombs of eight moves rain down like hellfire and some are hard to defuse since their spawn rates are high and their cannons are isolated.
20 moves may not be enough, especially when the player has to focus on the bombs.
Try to deal with the sides and the bottom middle at the same time.
Use the coconut wheel to remove the bubblegum pop faster.
Set up more horizontal striped candies positioned to perform damage to the bubblegum pop.
This level used to be one of the hardest levels in Reality before it was nerfed.