You also need to destroy icing to collect the ingredients.
Chocolate may interfere with your best moves if left unattended.
Finally, liquorice swirls may block the effects of striped candies.
However, there are three moon strucks, which provide a great help in dropping the ingredients.
The ingredients are worth 80,000 points.[1] Hence, an additional 10,000 points is required to earn one star.
Moon Scale[]
Moon Scale
Moon Struck[]
1st Start: moves left.
1st End: moves left.
2nd Start: moves left.
2nd End: moves left.
3rd Start: moves left.
3rd End: moves left.
Moon Struck
Normal moves
Moon Struck moves
9 moves
1 move
Try to start the level with the ingredients in the centre five columns. This strategically makes the ingredients easier to bring down as you have more room to play with.
Break the icing and chocolate first. Alternatively, with liquorice swirls out of the way, use a vertical striped candy to instantly drop the ingredient down. Make a lot striped candies, especially vertical ones, as they will pass through the icing and chocolate and directly collect the ingredient(s).
If possible, mix a colour bomb with a striped candy.
When bringing down an ingredient, make sure the match that you are making does not move the candies in the first and ninth column. This makes it definite that the ingredient will not spawn in the corners.
This is one of the levels that is easier in Dreamworld than its counterpart in Reality.
Elements Info
Element Spawn Notes
Ingredient spawn density: 15 moves
If there are fewer than 2 ingredients on the screen, then the board spawns up to 2 ingredients when possible.
Spawn 1 every 3 moves.
If there are fewer than 4 liquorice swirls on screen, then the board spawns up to 4 when possible.
Miscellaneous Info
↑8 ingredients × 10,000 points per ingredient = 80,000 points