Candy Crush Saga Wiki
Candy Crush Saga Wiki

Hey everyone!

It is currently 1 AM where I live now, and I cannot stay up any longer.  But I cannot leave a vandalizer to destroy everything we have done for so many months. User: is spamming, blanking out pages, and leaving profanity all over the wiki.  See for yourself (I am not posting any pictures of it here.  You can search it!)

User:Blueeigthnote, User:Julianthewiki, and I have tried to keep up with this mess, but this is especially difficult.  We really need more admins here to stop vandalism.  3 is not enough.

Lefty and Storm2: We notified you about the incident, and hope you can block him.

Please support if you think that this user should be blocked for vandalism and if you think we need more admins.


P.S. - I hope this blog post does not make anymore people hate me.  Two more people says that I am crazy on blog posts, and I will try to fix that.

