Candy Crush Saga Wiki
Candy Crush Saga Wiki

Has ANYONE else ever been as stuck on level 419 as I am? Am I just super super unlucky!?

Folks, I have just failed level 419 for the 100th time. 100 attempts. All failures. Attempt 100 was just another brick in the wall of failure. 

I have come extremely extremely close before. I had an attempt with all collected except 7 yellows, one where I collected all but 4 yellows, and would you believe it, one where I collected all but ONE YELLOW. I also once collected all but 2 wrapped. 

But all in all, level 419 has defeated me 100 times. I can just tell I will never beat this. I REALLY did not want it to get to 100 tries, but this is what it has come to. Level 147 took me roughly 200 tries. Is it really possible I could fail this level more times than I failed 147?? 

The worst part is, when (IF) I beat level 419, I will be instantly slammed with level 421, which I've heard is just as hard (IF NOT HARDER) than level 419.

I swear to god. Whoever made level 419, I will hunt them down and kick them in the nuts personally. I am REALLY upset it has come to 100 attempts. Who KNOWS how many attempts it will be before I finally beat this level!? 

All I know is that before I know it, I will be seeing failure number 200.

But I'm afraid this could be the end of my candy crush saga.
